Depending upon where someone is employed, the employer may request that the employee execute a Covenant not to Compete at the time of hire. In the event that the employee leaves his job, these covenants typically prohibit an employee from competing with their employer...
Experienced, Versatile Attorneys
Month: September 2013
Recent Posts
- Massachusetts Courts Address an Often Used Escape Clause from Complying with a Covenant Not to Compete
- Gallant & Ervin Obtains Judge Ruling Terminating Client’s Obligation to Pay Alimony
- SJC Rules that Purchaser of Real Estate Can Bring Misrepresentation Claim Against Real Estate Broker for Broker’s Incorrect Statements Regarding Property’s Zoning
- Gallant & Ervin Obtains Not Guilty Verdict for Client on Domestic Assault and Battery Charge
- Gallant & Ervin Obtains Jury Verdict that Monies Provided to Client Were not Loans and Were not Required to be Repaid